A step forward: Peter’s journey
“When I learned I was going to have a grandchild it was one of the best days of my life."
– Peter, a retired teacher, and avid outdoorsman
Shortly after learning this news, friction caused by a walking boot opened a deep wound on the side of his foot. Doctors warned it could cost him losing his lower leg if not tended to properly.
Fortunately, hope was restored when Peter was prescribed APIS®. Even if he could have avoided amputation, he expected his closure journey to be a grueling and expensive six-month-long process of recovery, yet it was a seamless and affordable resolution in less than half the time.
“Timing was crucial, and each day it took to heal Peter’s wound brought a greater risk of infection, which could endanger his leg yet again. We were amazed and delighted to see him back on his feet after just five APIS® applications. That kind of pace is practically unheard of in wound treatment.”
– Dr. Josephine Lyons, Peter's Physician
Peter used his first steps post-treatment watching his granddaughter take hers.
“I'm just so happy I can live my life now. Every moment with my granddaughter is a blessing.”
– Peter, APIS® patient
* Image portrayals featured to protect patient’s privacy.